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we are a subsidiary of beasee group s.p.a, based in italy. it is a world leading manufacturer of high technology industrial machines for the woodworking cnc router. our resources are therefore reinforced by an organisation which constantly strives for excellence by investing in its own and employee’s futures through innovation and enterprise. the constant drive for technological improvement, innovation and research has allowed beasee to develop modular solutions capable of meeting all the production requirements of its clients, from the design of turnkey plant for large conglomerates, to single automated machines and work centres for small to medium enterprises and even down to the design, manufacture and sale of single highly technological components. committment to quality we look to the world’s first class quality standard as reference. we are among the very few chinese manufacturers with a mind highly committed to providing machineries for the most demanding industrial use. all our products, from the most economical models to the most complicated ones, are invariably precision-engineered in the most advanced machining facilities. the whole manufacturing processes are meticulously and systemically controlled in order to guarantee the quality and precision. we understand that our customers need machines that can be relied on to perform and we make sure our partner’s investment will look just as good after years of service.
企业名称: 济南比雅斯机械设备有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 山东/济南 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 贸易商
所属范围: 雕刻机;木工雕刻机;数控开料机;板式家具生产线;木工雕刻机